let your heart speak, bring your dearest memory to 'c'est maman'


The massive participation of the students in the ris-tual resulted in magic moments and an impressive final image. Every cloth with a print of the students’ laugh will be integrated in ‘c’est maman’ as a new ‘skin’. With the ‘DNA’ of the students ‘c’est maman’ continues her journey on the way to Maastricht European Capital […]


The response of the students to the invitation of ‘et je ris’ was heartwarming. Lots of students accepted the invitation with conviction and gave their laugh tot ‘c’est maman’. Many of them defied the queue to have the ‘et je ris’ tag painted on their face. De respons van de studenten op de uitnodiging van […]


The transmission of the laugh on the cloth is an important moment. Bringing up a dear memory for ‘home’, a connection with the sculpture ‘c’est maman’ and the outreach to the new hometown student city Maastricht come together in one single moment. De overdracht van de lach op het doek is een belangrijk moment. Het […]

The story behind

William Otermans, artist and spiritual father of ‘et je ris’, explains the background of the sculpture and the ris-tual. A consciously made contribution of the students, by transmitting a dear memory from ‘home’, via their hart, their laugh, a cloth to ‘c’est maman’, makes them the ‘parent’ of ’the new’ that grows out of ‘c’est […]

‘c’est maman’ is growing

‘c’est maman’ is a “growth sculpture”. A part of the spherical form is being built before Culture Valley at 23rd August, 2012. The contributions of the students, their materialized laugh from the heart in a cloth, form together the ‘skin’ of the sculpture and with that, the DNA for “what is to come”. ‘c’est maman’ […]

wood of the world

augustus 19th, 2012 slide

The wooden frame for the sculpture ‘c’est maman’ is covered with slats of solid wood, originating from all home countries of Maastricht students. This symbolizes the constructive connection of Maastricht with these countries via the students.
We only use recycled wood, wood that was used before for other purposes.

Het houtskelet van de sculptuur ‘c’est maman’ wordt bekleed met latten massief hout. De houtsoorten die hiervoor gebruikt worden komen oorspronkelijk uit alle landen waaruit de studenten in Maastricht komen. Dit symboliseert de constructieve verbinding van Maastricht met de landen van herkomst via de studenten. We gebruiken alleen recycle hout. Dat houdt in dat die houtsoorten dus al in Nederland aanwezig zijn en eerder een andere toepassing gehad hebben.



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